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PFE tester for particulate filter efficiency of re

PFE tester for particulate filter efficiency of respirator I. overview

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2024-12-05
  • 访  问  量:565



PFE tester for particulate filter efficiency of respirator I. overview


1. The aerosol from the aerosol generator needs to be treated twice before reaching the test filter material; 1. By mixing with the heated gas (for salt

In terms of fog) produce aerosol salt particles. 2. Neutralize the static electricity carried by the aerosol through the electrostatic neutralizer, which is to reduce particle loss and static

The effect of electricity on test results.

2. After the above two procedures, the aerosol reaches the surface of the test filter material at a certain flow rate (flow rate), and the test procedure is started to measure the filtration efficiency

In terms of test, the test time is very short, only a few seconds to complete the test of a piece of filter material. For loading test, the experiment is relatively long,

Through particle counter or laser scattering photometer, the quantity concentration or mass concentration of the aerosol upstream and downstream of the filter material are measured, and the filtration efficiency is calculated

The pressure drop on both sides of the filter material is monitored by the differential pressure sensor.

Compliance with standards:

Niosh42cfrpart84 respiratory protective device

En134 respiratory protective devices - particulate filters - requirements, testing and marking

JMOL Japanese standard for protective masks

Gb19083 technical requirements for medical protective masks

Gb2626 self priming filter type anti particle respirator

Main features of gb32610 technical specifications for daily protective masks:

Intlligent touch screen control + test report printing:

PLC control system, more efficient and reliable, programmable 7-inch color LCD touch screen, real

Various functions such as control, monitoring, calculation, data display, etc

Various test fixtures:

The instrument has a variety of test fixtures, which can test different types of masks.

High degree of automation:

The equipment is designed with double control pneumatic clamping mode, which is convenient for operation and high safety.

Built in features:

The equipment can test the penetration efficiency, penetration resistance and flow rate, and the flow differential pressure of the equipment can

With arbitrary settings, it can meet a variety of experiments, with stable performance and good repeatability of test data.

application area

The filter performance tester of respirator is used for the performance test of filter element, disposable respirator and filter medium of respiratory protection products. It is applicable to



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  • 联系电话:15901805483

  • 联系邮箱:44658997@qq.com

  • 公司地址:上海松江区新桥镇泗砖南路255弄漕河泾开发区名企公馆59栋2层至4层(厂址:上海金山区亭林工业园区亭谊路68号简户科技园近南亭公路)

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